Thursday, April 5, 2012

Color the Sky by Two Steps from Hell - The meaning of life

This song...holds the meaning of life. Not just of life, as we think about it in petty human terms, but of all existence, for all time. Honestly, I listened to this song for three hours straight, and had a spiritual revelation. It's hard to describe, because to understand it you must be in this trance state. It went a little something like this:

Life is transience
Time is an delusion
Existence is a divine illusion
The whole of all is rapture
All stems from the whim of creation
God is an author who lives through his characters
We are all God
God is all of us
Life unto death unto life again
Plunging in and out of existence
Eternally reinterpreting self
Circle, circle

I wish I could explain it better. I really do. But it cannot be explained, only experienced. You must forget everything. You must forget your sense of self which tethers you to a single form, a single mind. You must realize that you are everything--that neighbor cutting his grass, that pilot flying through the sky, that dog barking as you pass by, trying to protect his home. Everything, everyone, every life of every kind is the same thing. Everything exists simultaneously. There is no past, no future, only the moment, and all happens within the moment. The moment of creation, of experience. The divine is experiencing life as an ancient hominid, wandering nomadically with their tribe at the same time as it is experiencing being a minuteman in the American Revolution, at the same time as it is writing this blog, fingers tapping on the keyboard, at the same time it is staring at a computer screen, reading this other person's blog. Time does not exist. We are all the same force played out over and over again, reinterpreting, experiencing, becoming, changing. Everything exists separately as it experiences all from one consciousness, but everything is happening simultaneously. Consciousness' interact with one another, because time is a delusion.

God is not a form, a person, a figure. God has no gender. God is only the Divine, that from whence everything comes, and everything returns. The Divine is simply a force of creation, taking rapture in creating, experiencing everything, like a newborn child, or an author. This is God. There is no good or evil. Only existence, and the whole of existence is rapture. The divine goes through one full existence as a single consciousness, then is reborn as a new one. The divine is both aware of itself in its primal form and unaware of itself in it's eternal transmutational forms of existence.

I'm sorry. This is getting really confusing sounding. As I said, it can't be explained, only experienced. I think authors will grasp it more easily. They write to experience from a certain consciousness. To create. That is what they an impulse drives them to do. They cannot not create. At the same time that they are their character Mathew enjoying a cup of coffee and reading a great new book in their favorite cafe, they are the waitress Allison at that cafe, asking Mathew if he'd like more coffee, and Mathew's friend Shawn, showing up and seeing Mathew unexpectedly and feeling a rush of serendipitous joy. At the same time they are Mathew's father, fighting in WWII, meeting Mathew's mother as a nurse. Keep going. Keep the story unfolding. Past and present are created simultaneously, because time is a delusion. The story never ends. It continues on forever.

As Tsou, who is my character and therefore myself, just as I am also a 'character', puts it, "Such is mortal life: a fleeting rapture."

In a way, as we are but an experience of one consciousness, and our characters are but an experience of one consciousness, we are equal, and neither is more "real" than the other. All fiction is real.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I'm not by any means an author, I get it :) This is really relaxing and calming :) i like this song a lot too!
